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Great little game! Would you consider allowing us to include the game files in our PortMaster packages? PortMaster is a project to bring modern games to Linux handhelds


Awesome :)


hey man i loved this game so mcuh i played it and like the mechanicas they were very creative and fun thank you for muaking a fun and enjoyable short experience! :)


Wishlisted :]

How do you draw the drop shadow? Is it drawing the sprite with an offset under the sprite filled with a color?

thank you! And ye that is how I do the drop shadow, I use a script that I put before the draw_self that sets the objects current sprite to be black and translucent. I have the x and y as arguments so I can set it's position based on the object. 


Here from I Gacha Head! This is an incredibly charming little puzzler with an effectively creepy atmosphere. I particularly love phasing into and launching out of the bubble blocks. Well done!

ty for checking out my other game! :D


I wasn't expecting this cute platformer to be such a good horror game.


this game is gorgeous!! i haven't -quite- finished playing yet but the contrast between the two "realms" makes for a really charming game and underlying storyline. my only real nitpick is that the difficulty between levels feels a little bit all over the place rather than having a specific pattern. overall though, very cute and unique !! I think i unlocked a new fear of giant spiders tho lol

I totally understand the difficulty being all over the place! I didn't know which levels would be hard for other people and just put the levels in order of what I thought was least to most complex and having some easy levels in-between for a break. My next projects will hopefully have a better progress of challenge! thanks for playing and for the kind words!


I love the level design and the minimalism in using the mechanics to introduce new levels, my only problem is it is very pixel perfect (which is not my taste) which is why it is not easy to grasp for me and get comfortable with.  Also, going out of the screen from the top sometimes is confusing if the jump is not that high and makes me get confused because the sign where are you, have the same symbol of your character. But overall, that is an amazing game, with amazing level design, minimal mechanics that interact with each other, great art and music, and SFX. I would recommend it for platformer fans :) 


Thanks for playing and for the honest feedback. I'm not very good at making balanced difficulty in my level design yet but I'm glad you still could enjoy parts of it! :]


I shall speedrun this game
(also, it's really good!)

TY for playing!!! <3


loved the fruit part

thanks for playtesting denfruitus :D